Snow White and the Huntsman

Ayaka Nishi | June 20 2012 | 0 Comments

I watched a movie, Snow White and the Huntsman.

The story is too long and too entertainment to me but I really enjoyed their costume and jewelry.
I think this movie is worth to see this movie for costumes!

The costume designer is Colleen Atwood.
She already nominated Academy award 9 times! and won 3 times!!


Colleen Atwood. Cool!

Poster. Charlize Theron act witch.
Her feather dress and sharp nail ring is cool.

Kristen Stewart act Snow white.

Bone Head piece, Bird scull dress are really goth style.

Wedding dress.Sleeve part is like a basket.

I found that Cathy Watermelon did jewelry design for this movie.
She is L.A based Jewelry Designer.
I saw her jewelry several times on magazine and store.
They are amazing jewelry!

Snow White and the Huntsman Official Site